05. The Luminary


Black Quantum Futurism

Community Futures: Space-Time Liberation Lab (CF:STL Lab)

Cannupa Hanska Luger

Future Ancestral Technologies: Roaming

Augmented reality digital overlay onto St. Louis’s horizon line, stickers, vinyl print

Curator: Risa Puleo

Address: 2701 Cherokee Street, St. Louis, MO

Site Description: Black Quantum Futurism’s CF:STL Lab may be viewed inside The Luminary. Cannupa Hanska Luger’s vinyl installation may be viewed on the western exterior wall of The Luminary. The AR installation may be viewed with any device, accessed here, or on devices checked out at The Luminary’s front desk.

The Luminary is a nonprofit independent space founded in St. Louis in 2007. It is an expansive platform for art, thought, and action. Since its inception The Luminary has been a home for exceptional art that engages the pressing issues of the present. Through an active roster of exhibitions, residencies, performances, publications and gatherings, they act as a point of convergence for diverse publics.


04. 2626 Cherokee Street
